Are We Addicted to Mediocrity?

John Beaumont [1934 – 2020] was a very good friend with a passion, for Jesus and His Church, we have seldom witnessed. In this article, written in 2005 we hear the prophetic voice. Calling His people. What John shares is as relevant today as when it was first shared with believers in different parts of the world.

Read it slowly, prayerfully and as you do, listen to Him who calls each of us to follow with wholehearted obedience as He makes His ways clear to us.

“I grieve for the church ‘not so much for what is generally known as the church, but for those who may be described as believing believers. Are too many ‘at ease in Zion?’ Is there an easy acceptance of sub-standard Christianity? Is there absorption with earthly things? Is there a lack of God’s people seeing themselves as pilgrims and strangers? Are we ‘fiddling while Rome burns,’ or ‘re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic?”

Please download the full article as a PDF by clicking on the image. And, it would be so good to hear your thoughts.