A Call to Wholehearted Following…
Without a doubt, the credit for this book belongs to Jesus – our Life! He has gently and with tender love patiently walked with me through this process. There have been days while writing that my thoughts have been preoccupied with that searching question, “What’s in your heart?” In some ways, the writing of this book was the easier part. Over the last couple of years, time and time again I have asked Father for grace to live an authentic Christ-centred life. To live within the rhythms of His grace. To write only what is real in my own heart.
So, here we are. I would recommend that you read this book with an open heart and mind. Read it slowly, attentively even prayerfully and listen for the still small voice of His Spirit. He wants to change each one of us into His likeness. That process cannot be hurried or rushed. Slowly. Listening. Learning. Waiting. He longs to take us on a life-changing journey. Why wouldn’t you follow – wholeheartedly!
“Simple. Exciting. Transformative. If you’re looking for a guide to help you understand what a whole-hearted relationship with Jesus looks like in the practicality of everyday life, you need look no further than What Is in Your Heart? This book can help you discover what Father has already put in your heart, and show you how to live in that joy. John Langford will steer you away from the pretensions of religious thinking, so you can truly live a life worthy of Jesus’ love and his purpose in the world. I can imagine no one better to write this; he lives every word and has for the twenty years I’ve known him.”
Wayne Jacobsen author of HE LOVES ME and FINDING CHURCH and co-author of THE SHACK.
The book is available in KINDLE version and HARD COPY.
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What’s In Your Heart – Available on Amazon for the UK – AMAZON.co.uk