Spurn The Careless Kiss Of A Prostitute


Above all else, guard your affections. Watch over your own ‘life spring.’ The word spurn means – “to reject with disdain or contempt.” Strong words. Many years ago I started reading Proverbs because they provide excellent wisdom, good judgement and common sense for living life with purpose. So, recently I was reading The Living Bible and came across these statements.

Listen, son of mine, to what I say. Listen carefully.  Keep these thoughts ever in mind; let them penetrate deep within your heart, for they will mean real life for you and radiant health.  Above all else, guard your affections. For they influence everything else in your life.  Spurn the careless kiss of a prostitute. Stay far from her. Look straight ahead; don’t even turn your head to look.  Watch your step. Stick to the path and be safe.  Don’t side-track, pull back your foot from danger.”    [4:20-25]


As I reflected on these words I realised that we live in a time where distractions are everywhere! The word ‘prostitute’ is a picture of anything which seduces us from walking purposefully with Jesus. These distractions divide our attention. They knock us off course!  Distractions tug and pull at our hearts every day. They take our time and sap our energy. They rob us of purpose and life. If our priority calling in life is to be lovers of God. To seek first His kingdom. To listen carefully to His prompting. Then these actions will keep us from the ‘seducer / prostitute’ and provide the key to a radiant love walk with Jesus. To set our affections upon Him will automatically spurn the influence and distractions of the ‘prostitute’ – whatever forms this seducer takes. I think that is worth thinking about this week!

Another post from the archive worth reading – “Church – Lover or Prostitute”