Britain’s Got Talent…..So Have You!

I guess most people in the UK will have heard the amazing performance of Susan Boyle from Blackburn, West Lothian on the TV programme, “Britain’s Got Talent” recently. I was struck by the facial expressions of the people both in the audience and the judges themselves when Susan walked onto the stage and answered a few brief questions.

Susan is 47 years old and wears little make up, she is not your usual star material, at least on the outside. When she told the panel of judges she wanted to sing like Elaine Page the camera focuses on  the ‘eye rolling ‘ audience! What did people see when looking at Susan? She is not young and slim and neither is she glamorous and self confident. No, Susan is being who she is!  Unfortunately, our culture teaches us to focus on the externals of life rather than the value of the person. How differently they viewed her when she started to sing!


It reminded me of  prevailing attitudes in society toward others where as Jesus simply  loves people for who they are rather than what they do or look like!

Young people are apprehensive about getting older and our generation aspires to ‘eternal youth’ Just look at magazine shelves, TV adverts and listen to conversations filled with “I deserve it” statements. True value and integrity is what goes on inside our lives, that is more important. If there is a genuine search for reality, only Jesus has the credentials to offer us life to the full.

Remember the woman ‘caught in adultery’ by the religious leaders. Stone her was their cry! Jesus hit them between the eyes by standing out and saying, “Let him who has no sin throw the first rock at her!” They left one by one. Jesus then told the woman to go and sin no more – “I do not condemn you!” What freedom and what amazing love. And, by the way, this changed the woman!

You may be struggling to overcome hurt and pain, unforgiveness over what ‘they’ did in the past. My word to you is let it go, ask for forgiveness and experience the freedom that Jesus has called us to! He looks on the inside!

You may have also laughed or smirked when Susan Boyle walked onto the stage. She will remind us that it is what goes on internally that counts! In the opening line of the song in her heart the audience were  clapping. By  the end they were on their feet and she received a standing ovation.  And the song tells the story! “I dreamed a Dream!”