“An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others.” A.W. Tozer
There is a way to experience inner fulfilment and satisfaction each and every day because of God’s grace. In the midst of global recession, heartache, fear and uncertainty Jesus declares that He is fully with us and longs to hear from us. As we choose to turn our eyes from the ‘waves’ of life we can focus with clarity on the One who calls us to Himself and know we are in good hands!
Jesus said to the people, “…He can do only what He sees His Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”
He reminds us how utterly dependent He was upon his Father for everything. He lived out of this relationship with His Father and together they reveal to us that it is totally possible to live this ‘impossible’ life on earth.
Clearly, the key to this hidden intimacy is exampled to us by Jesus and this is the central act that helps cultivate this ‘dependency’ – “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”
If this was the Jesus way then surely we should do likewise. Our hearts can be joined in intimate affection throughout the day but there is a solitary place for each of us to draw from Him all that He longs to give to us. Have we seen what the Father is doing? He longs for intimate times with us so that He can reveal His love and desire. Let us allow our hearts to be drawn by our Lover King to a place of stillness and quietness away from the noise of the day. Too much of life has become blurred and distracted by listening to others rather than to our heavenly Father.
He longs, loves and delights in revealing Himself to us in a way that prepares our lives for living each day with a power not our own! He is closer than you think …..and longs to hear from you!