Delight and Desire

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

I am sure like us, you will have heard this statement quoted many times over the years. It is common place to hear these words from our own perspective rather than His.

Recently I saw David’s statement in the Psalms quite differently and how wonderfully refreshing and encouraging it is.

As we  His people, delight ourselves in Him we will find His desires being placed in our hearts. What joy and fulfilment I will experience in knowing His desires in my life and this ensures that I continually delight myself in Jesus.

After sharing this with a close friend he opened up an even fuller revelation of this statement –  “It’s an amazing promise!  I used to share that ‘delight’ and ‘desire’ come from the same root word. Hence, if I delight myself in the Lord He becomes my greatest desire, and He gives Himself to me.” Wonderful reality, how very favoured and blessed we are.

May each of us find this to be our own experience of Jesus each day.