In this final post on pilgrimage so much had happened in my life that I needed time to stop and reflect upon my own insignificance and imperfection as well as His provision of wisdom, and personal revelation of His will. This man who I knew only as my Guide had opened the eyes of my understanding and introduced me to Life without borders.
There have been two words that have brought growth and shaped my life on this pilgrimage. The personal invitation, ‘follow Me’ has been the central building block in my life enabling me to focus my whole attention upon pleasing my Guide rather than giving my energy to projects which then have a way of distracting my attention away from my Guide’s counsel. Obedience appears to have become a little diluted by some and used selectively by others, whenever it is convenient. The ancient story in our Guide Book has helped me to understand this new way of following. “My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me.”
The more I think about these words the more convinced I have become that an authentic pilgrim is someone who spends his or her life going somewhere by following the One who is calling them to obediently follow. And not only does He call His own but He calls us by name. What’s in a name you ask? Well, setting out on a difficult journey requires confidence and trust in the One who is leading. If we are called to respond in obedience to the One whose name is ‘The Way’ it will certainly fill us with confidence.
There appears to be an inner sense of purpose within these trusting followers. Their lives stand out! We may not always understand the ways of pilgrimage but knowing the Guide seems to be the pattern for personal wholeness, maturity and purpose in life. I had read stories in The Manual about two brothers who had dropped everything they were doing and responded to this costly call. Later two other brothers left their own father working while they just dropped everything…………..and followed!
Then to my surprise another man who obviously held a steady job collecting taxes was called in this same way and he too left his profession and immediately followed. But why would you leave a secure job, walk away from a close family relationship and all that is dear to you and follow when you barely know the One calling you to follow? And you have little or no idea where He is leading you.
With these thoughts swirling around inside of me I suddenly became aware of the Guide’s presence. He sat down in front of me and looked as though He knew exactly what I was thinking.
“Are you having a problem understanding who I am?”
“Yes, I believe I am.” I said rather sheepishly.
“Well, this call to follow the Way is more than an invitation, it is better understood as an act of obedience.”
“The Way?” I echoed. “Are you saying that you are The Way?”
“And much more,” came the immediate response. “Please tell me about the much more.” I asked. My Guide could see I was puzzled. I waited upon Him. He seemed eager to have this conversation with me and with infinite patience He proceeded to open up my understanding. “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me!” When He said that I knew I had been distracted by the activity………when it is all about Him. “Learn from Me!”
“Its a story of hope and fulfilment my friend.” He said, warmly. “And because you have an enquiring mind let me tell you how it works” “I am called many different names, and each name reflects a different aspect of my character.” “Some use at least one of those names to grab my attention for their own ends.” “They take The Manual or The Book as I like to call it and manipulate some of my narrative in order to get me to do what they want.”
“To be clear,” He said, “One of my other friends put it like this.”
“Asking in My name means more than simply ending a petition with , ‘My name tacked on the end of it ” “Rather, a petition means asking so that glory might be brought to the One I came to reveal and asking in obedience to My command.”
“This is the way life is to be within pilgrimage!” “This journey is a discovery and opens the way for a real opportunity to become ‘imitators of One who I have come to introduce you to’ “
I began to feel that overwhelming awareness of an inner warmth within my core being. The conversation felt, once again as if I was in the presence of Life itself.
“I call each person by name to ‘follow Me’ ” “They know Me” “I am also known as the good Shepherd, The Way, The Truth, and The Life. The Door, The Light and The Bread of Life, The Resurrection, Immanuel, Alpha, Omega, and more!”
As He spoke each name my own heart felt the power and life of those qualities of His character and personality immersing me deeper into knowing who He is and drawing me forwards to following Him with wholehearted desire. I completely lost track of time and found myself, hands raised in adoration at the revelatory nature of our timely chat. I knew during our conversation that life was being shaped within me and His Names were more than just an identity but a life giving power to transform me and others into His likeness and image. His name is above all names.
He added one more name before He stopped talking as if knowing the perfection of what He had said and knowing my own limited capacity to receive any more from Him.
“My son,” He said, “You can call me Jesus!”