Chatting with friends this afternoon about some of the practices of church life made me feel it would be good to share some of our conversation with you.
How do Jenny and I see the outworking of “let us not give up meeting together…?” – Which is not a new question by any means but it may bring encouragement to share something of our heart. We will meet with people over coffee or a meal, on a walk or as we did recently – in an evening get together.
We are not wanting to set up routine meetings but rather to encourage friends to meet with purpose and prepared hearts. Jesus is so deeply interested in each of us that He wants to get” up close and personal” with us. When this begins to happen there is an overflow of life towards others.
We have seen that trying to start up routine meetings leads to reversion, in other words, ‘to do what we know’ There is a freshness and real dependence upon the Lord when we set our hearts to hear in our daily walk. Sharing these things with others during a time together will bring encouragement and the experience of real fellowship.
In times past our attention was on large gatherings of saints to sing as an act of worship. Although these times were good, to try and continue in the same vein now may well be a hindrance to The Best that He has for us. Today we see that worship is a lifestyle [although there may be times to sing]. It seems that He is more interested in our coming to know Him for who He is rather than for what we can get out of Him.
His people have been called into an amazing freedom by Christ who has also made it all possible. Dare we live our lives in these days in such a way that our response to Jesus will be a witness to all those around us. Live fully TODAY in the Father’s affection so that our times together may be richer, fuller and have purpose.