Living Beyond The Borders


Living Beyond The BordersThere is a growing desire in the hearts of many believers today to walk away from religious activity and to follow Jesus. To do His thing and not our own!  So, if our desire to please God has turned into rules, rituals and formulas then we will find ourselves captives of religious obligation.  However there is great hope, we can break free of this cloud of fuzzy thinking and experience the life transforming work of God’s grace in our lives. This is my first humble attempt to write about what it means to follow Jesus, to break free and to live life beyond those cramped borders. Stan Firth puts it well in his foreword, “The Christian life can only be lived properly if believers investigate outside the box!”  


“Is there another Way, a better Way for us on Planet Earth? If yes, how is it found? What’s the bigger perspective? The heart of the author is simply to signpost us towards such a Way, hand-in-hand with Someone who both knows the Whole Picture, as well as having created it.  This book contains pointers towards that Way in simple, plain language and is an encouragement to ‘go beyond’ our limited view of seeing things. Have the courage to try!”     –   Sam H.

“Thanks for the book, I read it on Sunday – interesting, thoughtful and thought provoking.”   –  Steve J.

“This book challenges us to experience so much more than religion, rituals and living a good enough life to be rewarded with heaven. Can you imagine enjoying Jesus now?  Being able to walk with Him moment by moment, day by day?  This is what our loving Father longs for us to experience – so much more than we could ask or even imagine.  Heaven on earth indeed.”    –    Gordon G.

“Living Beyond the Borders’ has provoked me to some serious thinking.  How easy it is to settle for a limited and predictable religious lifestyle where every thing is safe and secure.    I love Eugene
Peterson’s paraphrase of 2 Corinthians 6 vs 11 – 13 ” I can’t tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide open, spacious life.   We didn’t fence you in.   The smallness you feel comes from within you.   Your lives aren’t small but you are living them in a small way.   I am speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection.   Open up your lives.   Live openly and expansively ”   We face a daily challenge to leave our ‘comfort zones’ and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us out into the vast open spaces of His life.”   –  Colin L.

“As with any book, be it The Bible or otherwise, the crucial thing is the author and the author’s heart. John’s passion for Jesus overflows and his desire for us to know God, beyond the limitations of our own understanding, is plainly evident.  This is a challenge for me and to anyone on the God journey. There is always more ‘beyond the borders’ of our perceptions.”     –   Mark F.

“I have just spent an enjoyable hour reading this little book. I love the illustration of the framed watercolour.  It brought home to me how we should never see our experience of God as being confined within the borders and the frame of a small picture.  He longs constantly to bring us out into a much bigger place – a place where the picture is much larger as He gives us more and more revelation and experience of Himself and thus life beyond the borders.  Isn’t it amazing that in His ongoing love He wants to draw us increasingly to where the picture can no longer be contained within a frame. This is because, like the illustration in the book, the landscape and His life spill out from under the painted border.  I found that “Living beyond the borders” encouraged my desire to be continually finding and experiencing more of Jesus. “   –   LH

“I hope all is well. Just wanted to give a virtual hug for the book that John has beautifully and wisely written. It has brought encouragement from beyond – thank you.”   –   Kati H.