
It has been a while since I last posted anything on Hislife. However, I have been busy with a new book which has taken up my time and developed somewhat by chance. Strange thing to say but this book wasn’t something I had planned. Here is part of the ‘ WELCOME’ which explains a little of how it came about ……………

I set out one morning on a walk and decided to take a different route. Now, there are a couple of lessons we learn when taking a new route. Firstly, I haven’t been this way before and have no idea what twists and turns lie ahead and second, there is the uncertainty of not knowing exactly where you are going to end up.

Would you believe that is exactly how this book came into being. I started out reflecting on discipleship and ended up writing this book almost by chance, or should I rather say that it was an unplanned manuscript. I didn’t see my accumulated thoughts becoming this book until I was well on the way like a tracker dog picking up the scent.

The contents began to grow a bit like a shopping list in preparation for a planned meal with friends that gets added to and added to as one purchase leads to another. Thinking through our shared personal experiences and life stories, stirred my imagination, and developed a growing hunger to search The Best Book ever written for a biblical understanding, turning thoughts into words and then shaping these words which helped to cultivate this story.

A work in progress…..