The Place of God’s Blessing
In our last blog post which you can read HERE there is a comment from David which included a phrase that prompted me to think about the place of God’s blessing.
“For many years I’ve been enjoying the fellowship of those who have left organised religion to find a more meaningful expression of life in Father’s family. Some of them have sacrificed much to leave all for the sake of following Christ wholeheartedly, but none would turn back.”
David describes the enjoyment of a more meaningful expression of life and fellowship with Father’s family. The part of his comment that has stuck with me describes the price tag of sacrifice. This is the cost of following Jesus when He calls us to trust Him. Our confidence in His voice draws us to follow, knowing that moving forward in His ways is far better than settling in the predictability and staleness of religious mediocrity.
The High Jump and the Springboard
The high jump and the springboard is a particularly encouraging dream that I had. I was in a sports stadium and dressed in the clothing of an athlete. I stood in front of the high jump and the bar was raised far too high for me to clear it. I have never felt confident in this particular field event. So, the whole experience was daunting. I heard a voice say, “Jump!” My first thought was, I’ll simply grab the bar as I run towards it instead of attempting to jump over it. However, I heard the voice once again to jump. I ran towards the high bar and picked up speed until I jumped at just the right place. Something quite incredible happened as I jumped, it was as if a springboard was placed under my feet. I soared over the top of this very high bar and cleared it with ease. I awoke with the deep inner awareness that when we trust Jesus in life situations which are impossible for us to accomplish He will always help us through the most difficult of circumstances.
We can Always Count on Jesus
As we contemplate what it means to follow Jesus I am acutely aware of many believing believers who have paid a price to be in the place of God’s choosing. Jesus is our example in showing us the way. “Who for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Jesus still calls us to follow Him today. Let our ears be attentive to His calling so that we do not settle in a place longer than He desires. The bar may appear too high but God has provided a ‘springboard of hope’ and without a doubt we can trust Him to make a way for us every time.