Why is friendship so vital in marriage?
I think there are two key reasons why friendship between husband and wife are important.
Firstly, promoting friendship within marriage is for the sake of our children. Young people are longing for role models today. They may not always appear to be but it is a fact! Our children need to see mom and dad loving each other and encouraging each other and being totally secure in the knowledge that they are best friends. May this desire for friendship and fellowship grow in the hearts of those couples who feel they have grown apart and stale in their relationship.
Another reason for friendship in marriage is because it is a micro-picture of the union between Christ and His Church. The Bride and her Bridegroom joined together in the most amazing secret mystery ever! This is the reason why marriage has been so maligned, distorted and attacked by the enemy. Let us do all we can to guard this relationship and nurture it as fully as we know how.
This is the second in a two part post about Marriage and Friendship 2.