Unhurried rhythms. God’s grace. These two statements can be placed side by side. We live in a busy society. Distraction and detour have permeated our lives. These cross currents assault our thoughts daily. My wife and I have been chatting about some of the challenges that we face in a world system that is hostile towards being sensitive to the presence of Jesus.
One of those challenges or cross currents is busyness. We find it difficult to slow down. We struggle to be still. Our minds rush from morning until evening with little or no thought of God with us. Yet when God’s people take time to prepare themselves for the day there is an immediate awareness of God’s transforming grace. He wants to direct our thoughts. He longs for us to spend unhurried time with Him. The fruit of God’s grace at work within us reveals a wonderful sense of unhurried rhythm!
You and I can find a solution to engage with God more deeply. Jesus often took the opportunity to find a place where He could be quiet. Without a doubt, I believe we as Christ followers can and need to find ways to carve out time to be alone with God. There are reasons for this and the benefits are worth the price. When we take time to consider that place in our busy life there are some questions worth asking ourselves.
What would my life look like if I was to make some adjustments to the way I spend my time? What are the barriers that keep me from living in this space with God? As you identify those barriers to living in the awareness of God with us what will you do in order to be freed from them?
“It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning and your faithfulness at night.” [1]
As Christians, our prime ambition must be to please the Lord. “Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him.” [2] Too many believers today live under a cloud. They want the approval or recognition of people. The answer to this would be, “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Taking your everyday ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life – and place it before God as an offering.” [3] Even Jesus experienced the voice from heaven, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you, I am well pleased.” [4]Make this our aim!
We have friends who often take a weekend out to focus on the Lord’s goodness, His care, His grace, His purpose and His love for them. We know of believers who take time out to wait on God about a specific issue. He is always pleased when we make time to be alone with Him. There are those believers who have taken steps throughout their busy day to stop for a moment just to tell the Lord how much they love Him. Simple steps to cultivate an awareness of the constant companionship of God with us. Unhurried rhythms which prevent stress and busyness clouding our focus upon Jesus. There are times in our own plans to go somewhere or do something that my wife and I feel that He is saying ‘not now – do this another time.’ Unhurried and unforced rhythms of God’s grace at work within our lives helping us to live peacefully.
John Wesley understood what it meant to redeem the time. He would excuse himself from others at 10:00 pm because he wanted to meet with Jesus every morning at 5 am. We can find ways to devote time to be alone with the Lord. He knows what we need. I am reminded of times over the years when aware of the need to be alone with the Lord but not feeling much like it. But, in spite of my feelings, He reminds me of His love and how glad He is that we are together. The satisfaction and delight of hearing Him. God rejoices in His people and longs for intimate moments with us. We are all different but He has a purpose for each of our lives which we can either embrace or frustrate. Let’s find a way…
[1] Psalm 92:2 NLT [2] Romans 12:1 MSG [3] Romans 12:1 MSG [4] Mark 1:11 NIV