Where to Now?

Last weekend we spent time alone, with each other and among a group of several believers praying and this week we have been asking the question, what now? I think it is important to ask ourselves the question, what did we hear, if anything from the Lord during those times with Him.

He is such an amazing God

We came together because we wanted to respond to His call to pray. However, Jesus turned things around right from the outset by reminding us of ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’ and not because He was the only one to be loved by Jesus but because He knew that Jesus loved him. He expressed His love for his people over and over and over again and made us aware of how much He delights in us coming aside to be with Him.

His calling to you and me is to come away with Him.  “How glorious the splendour of a human heart that trusts that it is loved!”     –   Brennan Manning