This is how the Psalmist describes what our God is like; “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.” [Psalm 145:8,9]
If you are part of a growing number of Christians who are leaving the organized church there is a price to pay. For some it will be higher than for others. It may be the simple question, “Where do you fellowship?” or “what church do you go to?” that triggers guilt and that horrible feeling that you are not quite living up to the set standard.
You may feel that the people who were calling you to come to the meetings are no longer doing so and because of that loneliness sets in alongside the weight of guilt you already feel!
The very sad part of this story is that there are some who do not survive the burdens placed on them to be more committed to the ‘vision’ or group. We have spoken and met with some who have similar stories. Rejected, isolated and disillusioned with everything relating to church and this god they have tried so hard to please but without success. They have invested years of their lives in this process only to end up suffering with burn out! These believers have lost their freshness in Jesus and their desire to press on, mostly because they have been trying to shoulder the weight of “doing for God” rather than knowing the freedom of embracing what God has already done for us in Jesus.
The scars of ‘religious obligation’ run deep within the soul and can rear their ugly head at any time. But, there is great hope!
Healing and freedom
We are convinced that there is healing and freedom for all those who call upon the name of Jesus. There is healing and encouragement for those who are bowed down and hurting, those who are vulnerable and in need of a fresh touch from Jesus. For those whose lives have been scarred in any way by the “religion of the Pharisees” there is a way beyond these restricting borders……………MORE